Terms of Use

All Sibley Designs paintings, invitations, stationery and other products are copyrighted. Other reproductions of any kind must have written permission from Lauren Sibley Brasseaux, and if applicable, must be cited on any internet postings.


  • All pre-made, non-personalized cards can be returned with money back after 30 days, if the correct number of cards and envelopes remain without blemish or stain.

  • Holiday items may be exchanged for other products within the same holiday, up until the week of that holiday. Holiday returns are not accepted 7 days before that holiday, or any time after the holiday has passed.

  • If you have customized paper products with personal text, and a design fee was approved, returns are not accepted.

  • Sibley Designs does not reimburse for shipping.


  • Commissioned paintings may not be returned. If you are unhappy with a certain aspect of the painting, Lauren is more than happy to fix it, within reason, until you are satisfied. Watercolor paintings are semi-permanent, so any major changes to a painting might result in additional fees.

  • Paintings purchased online or in the shop may be returned with money back after 30 days.

CUSTOM PRINT ORDERS Terms and Conditions:

  • A minimum design fee of $45 (unless otherwise indicated due to more or less hours of work) will be charged for any work done by Lauren.

  • A nonrefundable 50% deposit is due before a proof is given. Three (3) proof changes are included in the design fee deposit. Any other proof changes are a minimum of $35.

  • A final list (if you are ordering printed envelopes) or a final number (if you are ordering blank envelopes) is due before any printing may begin.

  • After all approvals (design proof, envelope address, quantity, etc.), please allow a minimum of 3 weeks for all production, except wedding suite orders, which have a minimum of 3 months for production. Rush orders of 50 prints or more have a maximum production time of 2 weeks after all approvals.

  • Wedding Orders: after a deposit is paid, the client will receive a production schedule. If any due dates (approvals, address list, final numbers, etc) are missed by the client, there will be a $50 late fee for each day the item is late.

  • If, after all approvals, a reprint is needed for any reason, 50% of the total will be charged to client.

PLEASE NOTE: color match from proof to print is not guaranteed. Lauren works hard to get prints as close as possible to digital proofs, but oftentimes there can be slight variation in certain colors.